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Organic* Tea

Did you know that it takes 7 years of latent soil for a farmer to be able to have their crops certified as "organic"?   While all of the Brackendale Teas are herbicide and pesticide free, and no nasty fertilisers are used, not all tea farmers can afford to comply with the "organic" certification process in the countries of origin. 


*We have included a small and beautiful selection of luxury loose leaf tea in our range that carry the official "organic certification" from our Canadian Supplier.  However, to have the Australian Organic Certification (AOC) is expensive and since we're a fairly small and new company, this would put a large strain on our budget. We will, as budget allows, endeavour to have our "organic teas" certified with the AOC.  In the meantime, please know that even though these teas do not carry the Australian Organic Certification they do carry the United States Department of Agriculture National Organic Program (USDA NOP) certification and we trust you will enjoy these beautiful teas!  


Health and Wellbeing

The health benefits of tea are well known around the world but, as with all foods and  beverages, some ingredients may have an adverse effect for certain people.  We encourage you to check the ingredients are suitable for your health and wellbeing

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