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The best peppermint comes from the northwestern USA. The pure, moist mountain air of the spring and early summer growing season gives this peppermint some of the highest volatile oil counts of any member of the mint family. Generally (dependent upon weather patterns) the second cut (mid/end August) is the most flavourful, coolest and most pungent, (literally takes your breath away and makes your eyes water).


Peppermint is a herb and contains no caffeine. Quite often peppermint is consumed after meals as the oils stimulate the flow of bile to the stomach and helps relieve gas pains. Additionally, it has been reported and written that peppermint sweetens the breath and calms the digestive system, plus it helps heartburn, stomach ache and nausea.


An interesting and tingling way to use peppermint is to place a handful of peppermint leaves in your bath water which will lower your body temperature - perfect for cooling fevered skin or after working on a hot summer's day.


Time to sit down and look at your world with a "fresh perspective".

Organic Fresh Perspective Peppermint

  • Pungent, cool, fresh, menthol.

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