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Tulsi (Latin: Ocimum tenuiflorum), also known as Holy Basil is prized for its ability to restore and fortify the body. According to natural health and Ayurvedic practitioners, tisanes made from the leaves of the plant are said to boost immunity, acting as an antibacterial element that can protect the body from cold and flu, easing fevers and headaches and relieving sore throats and coughs.

The effects of this holy plant are believed to be particularly effective when mixed into a traditional concoction known as kadha, a spicy mix of tulsi leaves, peppercorns and ginger, boiled in water. 

To boost flavour add an additional layer of antioxidants and polyphenols to the tried and true kadha recipe, we've added in a host of additional spices, dried fruits and flowers, all selected for their zip and rich character. The resulting brew, Zesty Tulsi, is truly one for the ages.

Zesty Tulsi

  • Lightly sweet peppery with notes of citrus liquorice. Good anytime.

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